Montego Dog food Wet Adult Beef

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Product Description


A complete meal flavoured with succulent beef & wholesome veggies.

Classic Wet Food provides a complete, balanced and enticingly delicious meal, or a tasty complement to your dog’s daily dry food diet. Serve on top, mixed in or on its own, however they like it!

Product Information

  • Energy

6% Protein | 3% Fat.

  • Stamina

Low glycaemic formula.

  • Well-Being

Source of moisture.

  • Delicious Taste

Fresh meat with nourishing grains & vegetables.


Water sufficient for processing, chicken (including deboned), pork, beef liver, chicken fat, seasonal vegetables, wheat flour, meat by-products, sodium phosphate, guar gum and salt.

Additives (/kg): Nutritional: Vitamin A 500 IU, Vitamin D3 62 IU, Vitamin E 8 IU, potassium chloride 300 mg, zinc sulphate 7.2 mg and potassium iodide 0.07 mg; Sensory: Sugars, caramel and erythrosine colourant.

See also...

Delivery Times

Delivery destination Delivery time
Main City Centres 3-5 working days
Regional Areas 3-7 working days
Remote Areas 5-8 working days

Please note that these delivery times above are estimations. Our commitment to precise and secure delivery remains unwavering. We tailor our meticulous processes to your unique order specifications, location, and payment preferences.